In the past months, the GSMA Inclusive Tech Lab made various announcements about the GSMA Interoperability Test Platform, talking about the importance of testing, our Beta release and the first version of the platform. But as an innovation lab for inclusive technologies, why did we decide to build the platform? How did we get here? And what were our critical decisions during product design and development? If you are curious to understand more about this journey, this blog is the right place.

The Lab works with a common innovation framework across our innovation projects; this framework provides the guiding principles and processes to innovate on the most pressing topics for financial and digital inclusion, as it steers towards putting people first and reaching maximum impact. It works with five stages: Ideation, Exploration, Creation, Industry Pilot, and Dissemination. In this blog, we focus on how this framework guided the development of the Interoperability Test Platform from inception to launch.