The Community Leadership Committee is pleased to announce a new Code of Conduct and Contributor License Agreement which has recently been approved by the Technical Governing Board. All community members should review these important documents.
The Code of Conduct spells out the mission, vision, and values that the Mojaloop Community aspires to. Our goal is a strong and diverse community that welcomes new ideas in a complex field and fosters collaboration between groups and individuals with very different needs, interests, and skills. If you see someone violating the code of conduct, there is a reporting and resolution path documented in the policy.
The Contributor License Agreement clarifies the intellectual property license granted with contributions from any person or entity. Each Contributor will need to agree with the terms listed in the CLA, and provide a signature for the Mojaloop Foundation. The logistics of how the signatures will be collected are being worked out, and will be communicated to the participants in the next few weeks.
Please reach out to the Mojaloop Foundation Community Manager, Simeon Oriko at with any questions or concerns.