The Mojaloop Training Program evolved from identified needs in the Community whilst implementations and Labs were being set up. The existing presentations and SME dependent webinar format needed to scale and the Mojaloop Foundation took up the mantle of creating a formal online training program for its Community.
To date, 7 courses in 4 categories are live and available MOJA 101 to MOJA 104, DFSP 101, Hub 101, and Scheme 101 through the portal. These courses provide a foundation from which the Community can build and evolve this training program.
During the Launch of the Program at the January 2021 Community Meeting, a workstream was established to ensure the longevity and scalability of the course material. This workstream needs participation and input from the Community. The plan is to start with a few priority courses that have some existing course material and to call for ideas for further courses We see the next phase delivering the following:
Priority Existing Courses:
- Hub 209 – Technical Operations for a Hub operator (Lead: John Muthiora)
- DFSP 209 – Technical Operations for a DFSP participant (Lead: John Muthiora)
- DFSP 206 – Onboarding
Suggested new material that can take the shape of new Courses or new modules in existing course:
- Testing Toolkit
It is these items above that we are calling for participation from you the Community.
There is a fair amount of work to be done and there is an established process, which will be discussed at the next Workstream meeting, to facilitate the delivery of the courses. Your time commitment will be determined by you and all contributions will be valued.
We are asking that you volunteer to participate if your particular skill set and experience is in the Technical operations field (from either a Hub or DFSP perspective), if you have worked with Mojaloop installation, are currently involved in the PISP and Testing Toolkit work (should the Community agree that these are needed courses), or if you have a good eye for detail.
All participants will be included in the acknowledgment section on the courses when they are published.
Please indicate your willingness to get involved in this worthy effort by contacting