East Africa Com, May 11-12, 2021, is the premier event for technology, telecoms, media, and broadcasting.

Join the Mojaloop Foundation Executive Director, Paula Hunter, and additional industry experts for the panel: Interoperability: The next frontier of African fintech on May 12. 

Paula Hunter and panel will discuss:

  • Ecosystem coverage: Prioritising end-to-end digital payment interoperability across mobile money and traditional banking to drive the uptake of financial services
  • International pivot: Reducing cross-border transaction fees and the need for multiple currencies to boost trade – taking East Africa’s mobile money from a regional to continental success story
  • SMEs: Unpacking why East African SMEs are lagging in full mobile money integration, consolidating offerings to reduce high transaction fees
  • Regulatory support: Exploring the critical role of governments and regulators in nurturing fertile business environments for the region’s evolving mobile money sector
  • Financial inclusion: Looking at strategies to redress the uneven distribution of mobile money growth, encourage economic resilience, and the role of mobile money during the COVID-19 pandemic

In addition, Adama Diallo, Head of Partnerships, Next Billion Users Africa, Google, and Board of Director of the Mojaloop Foundation, will participate in the panel discussion: Bridging the gap: How close is “digital equality” across East Africa? on May 12. 

Adama Diallo and panel will discuss:

  • Context: Affordability, biases/socio cultural norms and lack of female focused content lead to digital exclusion
  • Policy: What are governments doing to tackle “digital equality”? Steps have been taken but gender gap across the continent is still growing
    • Kenya case study: Progressive constitution & funds allocated for women to participate in entrepreneurial activities and gain financial independence – how effective have these measures been in bridging the gap?
    • Rwanda case study: Efforts made by the government to reduce the digital gender gap & improve ICT skills, ICT facilities created (telecasters, internet cafes ect)
  • Women in STEM: A means to bridge the gap and have more women in the tech sector but there are barriers against women attending university, policies against pregnant women boarding at the school, no childcare programmes, stereotypes against women in STEM
    • G7 Summit 2019 members pledged to help close digital gender gaps, where are we now?
  • Domestic violence: Is technology/connectivity worsening the situation for women facing domestic violence across East Africa or an opportunity to create online safe spaces?

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