Earlier this summer, we held the Mojaloop PI-15 OSS Online Community Meeting. The three-day event focused entirely on technical sessions and brought together a range of players in the digital payments space. The agenda was packed and covered everything from reference architecture, to business operations framework, to bulk payments enhancements and beyond. If you missed any of the sessions, or just want a recap, check out the recordings on our YouTube channel, and read on for key session highlights.
Reference Architecture
On day one we kicked things off with reference architecture updates from a robust team including Michael Richards and Miguel de Barros of ModusBox, Pedro Barreto and Godfrey Kutumela of Crosslake Tech, Adrian Hope-Bailie of Coil and Johann Nel of Sybrin Systems. The team gave a refresher on what the Reference Architecture is, why we need it and how we produced it. They then showed an updated version of the context map, grouping all parts of the solution, with the main bounded contexts and the cross-cutting concerns, and they presented details of how three specific flows have been designed and will work: Participant Onboarding, Transfers and Settlements. Designs for Platform Configuration and Security were also shown in the session, and to close the team presented the build plan and stressed the importance of having a dedicated team to develop the first stages of the next generation platform. View the complete presentation here.
Merchant scheme Extensions:
Later on day one, we heard Paul Makin, an independent payments consultant, present on Merchant scheme Extensions. He walked us through a design in progress for extensions to support shared scheme services for merchant payments as a set of optional modular extensions of the Mojaloop Clearing system software, to support schemes and be “stronger together.” It’s designed with merchants and financial inclusion needs front and center and is future facing towards interoperable networks and cross border payments enablement.
The extensions are formed of a set of components that help schemes to:
- Create and manage at scheme level a “source of truth” for merchant “Pay Me”
- Create the ability for a scheme to blocklist merchant activity through per transaction checks of current merchant status
Check out the complete talk here and the proposition slides here.
Adopter Update: Thitsaworks
Day two kicked off with a great presentation from a team comprised of Steve Haley and James Bush of ModusBox, as well as Nyi Aye and Thynn Win of ThitsaWorks and Paul Makin. They walked us through a session focused mainly on the Myanmar MFI Digitization platform, which is known as MMD. MMD has faced significant challenges to date to go live given the current political and COVID-19 situation in Myanmar. The team gave background on the project, what it’s intended to do and some of those challenges. They then led a discussion on the major inputs that MMD is hoping to give to the community and upgrades they’ve been working through. Get all the details here.
That’s just a taste of the deep dive discussions that occurred over the recent three-day event. For more, check out all the sessions, available on YouTube. And for a refresher on the technical sessions presented at our April community meeting, read this blog.
We hope you found this brief recap helpful. Connect with us here to join the Mojaloop community and learn more about how you can make an impact. Be sure to follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook for all the latest.